Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Communication at hand with Marketing - Setting Business Objectives

After so many times you sat down to work on marketing plans, we thought this post might come in hand to help you on some basics.

Today we'll focus on 1 of 3 parts.

1. Start with your brand/company: Review & set your business objectives

Business objectives are very often confused with marketing goals. Les set the differences straight:

Business objectives are those that help your business grow, improve, lead the market, etc.

Marketing objectives are those that help your brand or product achieve a certain task that will help fullfill a business objective. For example: Increase loyalty that will eventually take your company to grow revenue.

Do's: Watch, learn and innovate your product/brand/company as a regular activity. Your main benchmark must be what you have done in the past 6 months.

Dont's: Set your business goals based on other brand's success. You never have the complete picture and/or situation to be able to replicate their business model. Remember that by not doing this, you will guarantee to not go beyond your brand or company's natural capabilities.

Clear example: A sports brand that has strong street guerillas combined with social media to grow costumer engagement. If your brand or company has not a clear brand positioning, you cannot be thinking of a strategy to increase engagement. First position and then let the world fall in love with it!

Communication comes in handy by being sure to share and review your business goals with close and not so close collegues, sometimes you might even get surprised at the deep input their opinion can provide.

Must: Make sure every business objective is achievable and measurable. Going back to compare scores vs your goals will help you know your strategy is going in the right direction.

For a deeper conversation be sure to follow me on Twitter as @ammore or in Google+ as Ingrid Noceda.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Communication at hand for world peace

Waking up to read posts about terrorist atacks, school shootings or kidnapped people has definetely become an everyday activity.

Though we know these major problems are at a high pace, reading the comments from journalists and users can make you think...think where the real violence is.

Stop and analize for just one second...8 out of 10 posts talk about anger and rage against these acts.

I understand the great deep negative feelings they may cause, but are we not being exactly like the terrorists, shooters or kidnappers when we let those negative feelings flow?

Seeing bloggers, journalists or social media users responde to these acts with verbal violence is two steps away from doing the act itself.

I remember once several years ago, when a whole community killed a police officer for some unaccepted act. Now, as a local saying, you pass by and in a joking tone people say: "Watch it, you might end up like that police officer". So now you know that you must control absolutly every act because everybody accepts violence a solution for disagreements.

Dear Communicators, please do think twice before you post with anger or rage, instead of letting it flow like a mortal contagious virus that causes the same feelings in your readers, think of a way of providing solutions and/or deeper suggestions to help your community improve and walk towards peace again. I know if we all do it, majority can and will win.

The solution starts with oneself.